
At Market Street United Methodist Church, we serve God using the individual gifts He has given each of us. These gifts are used in service through the various ministries and programs of the church in order that we might share the love of Christ with others. As the Bible reminds us, “Having gifts that differ according to the grace given us, let us use them…” Romans 12:6. We hope you will decide to share your gifts with us, too! 


In-Person Donations

Donations may be placed in the offering plates before or after worship or brought directly to the church office.

Donate By Mail

Donations can be sent to the church office at:
Market Street United Methodist Church
P.O. Box 633
Mabank, TX 75147

Click on the green button named "Give" to be directed to our online giving portal through Tithely.


Market Street is always collecting donations of nonperishable food items for the Mabank Area Good Samaritans (MAGS) food pantry. We also periodically conduct donation drives for items for other community partners as well as UMCOR, or United Methodist Committee on Relief. Please check our most recent Sunday bulletin announcements for current donation drives. Additionally, we are always grateful for donations of time and talents. If you would like to volunteer, please contact our staff to get involved in a way that is meaningful for you.